
у Ваљеву деветнаести пут звуче Медјународни сусрети флаутиста

Poslednjeg vikenda februara, u Valjevu devetnaesti put zvuče Medjunarodni susreti flautista – Tahir Kulenović. Ove godine, 137 najtalentovanijih mladih flautista iz Bugarske, Poljske, Crne Gore, Makedonije, Republike Srpske i Srbije, prenose poruku MŠ “ Živorad Grbić“ i jednog od najvećih srpskih muzičkih pedagoga, prof. Tahira Kulenovića, da je najlepša i najbitnija misija muzičara da muzikom negujemo čoveka u sebi. Ideja koja inspiriše i profesionalno usmerava blizu dve decenije, i ove godine je podržana od strane najeminentnijih flautista. Zahvaljujemo porodici prof. Tahira Kulenovića, prof. Miomiru Simonoviću, prof. Ljubiši Jovanoviću, prof. Straši Temkovu, prof. Georgiju Spasovu, prof. Dejanu Gavriću, prof. Suzani Maročik, prof. Jasni Marković – Vujanović, prof. Jasminki Bušković Terzić, prof. Bratislavu Djuriću, prof. Aleksandru Burkertu, prof. Neveni Nikolić, prof. Slobodanki Vasiljević – Ljujić što će i ove godine kroz svoje angažovanje u okviru najstarijeg valjevskog festivala posvećenog umetničkoj muzici, „novim klincima“ pomoći da pronadju svoj muzički put od zlatnih nota flaute satkan…

On the last weekend of February, Valjevo will be enriched by the sounds of flutes through the 19th International Flute Gathering – Tahir Kulenović. This year, 137 talented young flutists from Bulgaria, Poland, Montenegro, Macedonia, the Republic of Srpska and Serbia are spreading the message of Music School „Živorad Grbić“ and one of the greatest Serbian musical pedagogue, prof. Tahir Kulenovic, that the most beautiful and the most important mission of musicians is that through music, musicians are there nurture man in itself. The idea that inspires and professionally directs nearly two decades, like the previous year, this year is also supported by the most eminent flutists. We are grateful to the family of Professor Tahir Kulenović, prof. Miomir Simonović, prof. Ljubiša Jovanović, prof. Straša Temkov, prof. Georgij Spasov, prof. Dejan Gavrić,prof. Suzana Maročik , prof. Jasna Marković – Vujanović, prof. Jasminka Bušković Terzić, prof. Bratislav Djurić, prof. Aleksandar Burkert, prof. Nevena Nikolić, prof. Slobodanka Vasiljević Ljujić, for their engagement through this years program of the oldest festival dedicated to art music, which will help „new kids“ to find their own musical path of the golden flute notes…

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