Control And Knowing Are Vital
„Leadership and knowing are imperative to each individual other. in – David F. Kennedy, 35th U. S. directorThe superb American…
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Brnabić: Albanci sa KiM nepredvidivi i ne poštuju dogovore
Premijerka Srbije Ana Brnabić izjavila da događaji na KiM, kod mesta Banje, gde je onemogućena poseta predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića,…
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Delegacija Savskog venca u poseti Centralnom administrativnom okrugu Grada Moskve
Delegacija Opštine Savski venac koja je u dvodnevnoj poseti Centralnom administrativnom okrugu Grada Moskve, sastala se sa delagacijom ovog okruga.…
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Vučić na KiM: Bez Gazivoda nema opstanka ljudi na ovom području
Srećan sam što sam ovde, divno se osećam. Došao sam s porukom mira, ali i planovima i investicijama, rekao je…
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Vučić na Biznis forumu u Leposaviću: Ulažite i u srpske i u albanske sredine
Predsednik Aleksandar Vučić pozvao je srpske privrednike da ulažu na KiM, kako u srpskim opštinama, tako i albanske sredine. On…
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Vučić: Najmanje onih koji znaju da niti je sve naše,niti sve njihovo
Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić poručio je večeras političkim predstavnicima Srba sa KiM da je pitanje Kosova teško i komleksno, da…
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Vojska Srbije dobila najmlađu generaciju oficira
Intoniranjem himne „Bože pravde“ i tradicionalnim bacanjem šapki u vazduh, ispred Doma Narodne skupštine je završena promocija najmlađih oficira Vojske…
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Promovisani najmlađi oficiri Vojske Srbije
Na svečanoj ceremoniji ispred Doma Narodne skupštine danas su promovisani najmlađi potporučnici Vojske Srbije. Prve oficirske činove dobilo je 131…
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Completely new Step just by Step Vpn Best Plan for Perfect VPN
Then to use the particular internet in the location where you share the actual Wi-Fi or even it’s unguarded, isolated,…
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Innovative Step simply by Step Best Vpn Router Plan for Top VPN
Then to use the main internet in a location where you share the main Wi-Fi or simply it’s exposed, unshielded,…
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Brand-new Step by way of Step Best Vpn For Windows Plan for Greatest VPN
Then if you would like use often the internet within a location in which share often the Wi-Fi as well…
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Innovative Step by simply Step Best Vpn Services Plan for Greatest VPN
Then should you wish to use the very internet inside of a location in which share the particular Wi-Fi or…
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Different Step by Step Best Vpn For Netflix Plan for Top VPN
Then if you want to use the main internet in the location in which share the main Wi-Fi or maybe…
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Different Step through Step Best Vpn For Pc Roadmap for Finest VPN
Then to use the particular internet within a location to share the Wi-Fi or possibly it’s isolated, exposed, unshielded, at…
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„Sanjam neki čudnjikavi alpski predeo!“ San vesele Spisateljice
Sanjam neki čudnjikavi alpski predeo. Kafici, drveni podovi koji skripe, ljudi na terasama hotela uvijeni u deke, ispijaju tople cajeve.…
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